The 28th Conference of the Parties in Dubai completed a first “global stocktake” of the world’s status and progress since the Paris accords. Recognizing that progress has been insufficient to reach the goal of keeping global warming below 1.5 degrees centrigrade, the concluding agreement called for countries to recommit to climate action.

The agreement confirmed the need for “deep, rapid and sustained reductions in greenhouse gas emissions in line with 1.5 °C pathways”. Countries were called upon to commit towards several specific targets, among other actions:

  • Triple renewable energy capacity globally and double the global average
    annual rate of energy efficiency improvements by 2030
  • Transition away from fossil fuels for energy in a “just, orderly and equitable manner” to reach net zero by 2050, with a specific call to accelerate action by 2030. This is the first time that ending fossil fuel use has been has been explicitly called for
  • Substantially reduce methane emissions by 2030

Read the key takeways from COP28.

COP28 in Dubai calls for a transition from fossil fuels to meet 2050 net zero goals