The Commodity Futures Trading Commission led the way, thanks to Bob Litterman and Commissioner Rostrum Benham; the Federal Reserve undertook some quiet conversations, as is their style, but it was the SEC taking up the challenge on climate change disclosure
Indexing, from Evolution to Revolution – a March 15th webinar
I am eagerly looking forward to moderating tomorrow’s webinar, Indexing, from Evolution to Revolution, with finance reporter and author Robin Wigglesworth and Harvard Law Professor John Coates. Taking as a jumping-off point Robin’s recently-published history of the indexing revolution, Trillions
The Value Reporting Foundation as a First Step to Future Corporate Disclosure – Join us on October 21st
The explosive growth of sustainable investing has been accompanied by a parallel growth in frameworks and standards for creating and disclosing information in support of decision making. Investors, investment professionals and reporting companies feel overwhelmed and have been increasingly calling
Integrating System-level Investing into Practice Management – Join us on Wednesday October 20th
The growth of sustainable investing has been driven by the recognition that environmental, social and governance issues are material factors contributing to investment performance and that, in turn, the businesses and projects in which we invest have a material impact
Tuesday, 9/14 – ESG and the Global Plastics Supply Chain – Uncovering material risks and opportunities
In 2020, the global plastics market generated roughly USD 580 billion in revenues with more than a third of that total coming from sales into the packaging market. While consumer packaging applications account for the largest segment, plastics touch virtually