In early May, Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick was joined by members of his administration, legislators and industry representatives to announce that Massachusetts had reached its goal of installing 250 MW of solar photovoltaic (PV) systems. The achievement is significant, but
Needham Summit on Energy and the Environment
On October 24th, Needham residents and town community gathered at Olin College for a community conversation on energy and the environment. Anthony Brooks, veteran NPR reporter and co-host of WBUR’s Radio Boston, opened the session by leading a discussion with
WBUR’s Radio Boston on the Green Economy and the Needham Summit
This past Thursday, October 20th, Anthony Brooks and Meghna Chakrabarti talked with Green Needham Chair Michael Greis and Massachusetts Energy Undersecretary Barbara Kates-Garnick about the green economy, the 2020 clean energy plan, energy efficiency & “green living” at the local
The pivotal role of Massachusetts and New England
Massachusetts and New England are positioned to play a pivotal role in the future of comprehensive energy and climate legislation. The New England representatives that are leaders in the Congress for this legislation have made clear that it is a
American Clean Energy Now – the case for energy and climate change legislation
Last week, I participated in the Clean Energy Network fly-in to Washington in support of comprehensive energy and climate change legislation.