Efforts to address energy and climate challenges are now reflexively branded as “job killers” by one part of the political spectrum. Amazingly, this happens even when the proposals are defined in terms of their positive economic impact, as in the
Restructuring Roundtable April presentations available
Presentations from the April 15th Electricity Restructuring Roundtable are available on Raab Associates’ web site. One session, a presentation by Peter Fox-Penner, offered two business models likely to replace the current utility industry structure. The second, a panel discussion, considered
Cape Wind: 10 years and counting – Donghai Bridge: 4 years
The race for the clean economy may be a marathon and not a sprint, but the intermediate times you collect along the way tell you a lot about how you’re doing. Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar’s Tuesday announcement that
Water…what is it good for…absolutely everything
Journalist Steven Solomon has written an epic social, geopolitical and economic history of water. At 490 pages and covering the world from ancient Sumer to the future economic opportunities for industrialized democracies in a multipolar world, it is comprehensive and
Large potential increase in domestic natural gas supply welcome, but not a panacea
Last week’s announcement of the Early Release version of the US Energy Information’s Annual Energy Outlook for 2011 prompted a number of reactions along the lines of the NY Times’s Green Blog posting “The energy future ain’t what it used